Hannah Leavelle

Hannah Leavelle


Staff Accountant


Bakersfield, CA


Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire, become what you respect, and mirror what you admire.

— Deb Sofield

There’s nothing that Hannah loves more than the satisfaction that comes through organization and assisting others in achieving their goals. Her sweet spot is to lend support where needed, utilizing her inherent and developed interpersonal communication skills. Doing it to support her sister, Sarah Schiewe, is the icing on the cake.

This has made working at Dark Horse a no-brainer, especially since her role comes alongside Excel spreadsheets, tax returns and financial statements…all of which need that right human touch to explain and educate.

In her spare time, you can find her cooking, playing animal crossing, or spending time with her two cats.


There’s nothing that Hannah loves more than the satisfaction that comes through organization and assisting others in achieving their goals. Her sweet spot is to lend support where needed, utilizing her inherent and developed interpersonal communication skills. Doing it to support her sister, Sarah Schiewe, is the icing on the cake.

This has made working at Dark Horse a no-brainer, especially since her role comes alongside Excel spreadsheets, tax returns and financial statements…all of which need that right human touch to explain and educate.

In her spare time, you can find her cooking, playing animal crossing, or spending time with her two cats.

Nancy R.

I have used James Larsen as my CPA for many years and am confident in his work ethic and tax knowledge.

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